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Commitment to Student Learning

As a future educator, it is my commitment to encourage and motivate students to learn, as well as promote higher order thinking skills. It is my belief that I am not simply teaching students a subject. Instead, I am shaping students to become life-long learners both inside and outside of the classroom. To promote student learning, I will implement various forms of differentiated instruction and incorporate real-life applications. I plan to foster academic success and human development in a strategic pedagogy because I believe every student has the ability to learn. Students learn in different ways and different times, but it is my commitment to provide each student effective instruction for a successful future.


To ensure student learning, it is important to include data based decisions. Data from diagnostic, formative, and summative assessments can be used to portray the success of the lesson. Based upon the data, I will choose to reteach the lesson or move forward to the next unit. One of the lessons, included on this page, shows my commitment to student learning. In this lesson, I informally assessed students through observation, such as their answers to essential questions and the process and product of their work. Students were formally assessed using a lab activity and Kahoot quiz. After gathering the data, I was able to compare the formative and summative assessments. The data showed that the majority of the students had above mastery and mastery of the concepts and skills in the lesson. Therefore, the students did not need further assistance with the concepts and skills. This lesson and reflection of the lesson demonstrates productive, positive student learning.

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